FiveM插件 QBCore PS-化学品采集和加工

FiveM插件 QBCore PS-化学品采集和加工

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FiveM插件 QBCore PS-化学品采集和加工









Slufuric Acid 预览版







wet_weed 		 	 	 	 = {name = "wet_weed",           			label = "Moist Weed",	 			weight = 3000, 		type = "item", 		image = "wet_weed.png", 			unique = false, 	useable = false, 	shouldClose = false,   combinable = nil,   expire = 90,  description = "Wet weed that needs to be treated!"},
    coke 		 	 	 	     = {name = "coke",           				label = "Cocaine", 					weight = 1000,		type = "item", 		image = "coke.png", 				unique = false, 	useable = false, 	shouldClose = false,   combinable = nil,   expire = 90,  description = "Processed cocaine"},
    coca_leaf 		 	 	 	 = {name = "coca_leaf",           			label = "Cocaine leaves",	 		weight = 1500,		type = "item", 		image = "coca_leaf.png", 			unique = false, 	useable = false, 	shouldClose = false,   combinable = nil,   expire = 90,  description = "Cocaine leaves that must be processed !"},
    cannabis 			 		 = {name = "cannabis", 						label = "Cannabis", 				weight = 2500, 		type = "item", 		image = "cannabis.png", 			unique = false, 	useable = true, 	shouldClose = true,	   combinable = nil,   expire = 90,  description = "Uncured cannabis"},
    marijuana 			 		 = {name = "marijuana", 					label = "Marijuana", 				weight = 500,		type = "item", 		image = "marijuana.png", 			unique = false, 	useable = false, 	shouldClose = true,	   combinable = nil,   expire = 90,  description = "Some fine smelling buds."},
    chemicals 		 	 	 	 = {name = "chemicals",           			label = "Chemicals",	 			weight = 1500, 		type = "item", 		image = "chemicals.png", 			unique = false, 	useable = false, 	shouldClose = false,   combinable = nil,   expire = 90,  description = "Chemicals, handle with care..."},
    poppyresin 		 	 	 	 = {name = "poppyresin",           			label = "Poppy resin",	 			weight = 2000, 		type = "item", 		image = "poppyresin.png", 			unique = false, 	useable = false, 	shouldClose = false,   combinable = nil,   expire = 90,  description = "It sticks to your fingers when you handle it."},
    heroin 		 	 	 	     = {name = "heroin",           				label = "Heroin",	 				weight = 500, 		type = "item", 		image = "heroin.png", 				unique = false, 	useable = false, 	shouldClose = false,   combinable = nil,   expire = 90,  description = "Really addictive depressant..."},
    lsa 		 	 	 	     = {name = "lsa",           				label = "LSA",	 					weight = 500, 		type = "item", 		image = "lsa.png", 					unique = false, 	useable = false, 	shouldClose = false,   combinable = nil,   expire = 90,  description = "Almost ready to party..."},
    lsd 		 	 	 	     = {name = "lsd",           				label = "LSD",	 					weight = 500, 		type = "item", 		image = "lsd.png", 					unique = false, 	useable = false, 	shouldClose = false,   combinable = nil,   expire = 90,  description = "Lets get this party started!"},
    meth 		 	 	 	     = {name = "meth",           				label = "Meth",	 					weight = 500, 		type = "item", 		image = "meth.png", 				unique = false, 	useable = true, 	shouldClose = false,   combinable = nil,   expire = 90,  description = "Really addictive stimulant..."},
    hydrochloric_acid 			 = {name = "hydrochloric_acid", 			label = "Hydrochloric Acid",		weight = 1500, 		type = "item", 		image = "hydrochloric_acid.png", 	unique = false, 	useable = true, 	shouldClose = true,	   combinable = nil,   expire = 90,  description = "Chemicals, handle with care!"},
    sodium_hydroxide 			 = {name = "sodium_hydroxide", 				label = "Sodium Hydroxide", 		weight = 1500, 		type = "item", 		image = "sodium_hydroxide.png", 	unique = false, 	useable = true, 	shouldClose = true,	   combinable = nil,   expire = 90,  description = "Chemicals, handle with care!"},
    sulfuric_acid 		 	 	 = {name = "sulfuric_acid",           		label = "Sulfuric Acid",	 		weight = 1500, 		type = "item", 		image = "sulfuric_acid.png", 		unique = false, 	useable = false, 	shouldClose = false,   combinable = nil,   expire = 90,  description = "Chemicals, handle with care!"},
    thionyl_chloride 		 	 = {name = "thionyl_chloride",           	label = "Thionyl Chloride",	 		weight = 1500, 		type = "item", 		image = "thionyl_chloride.png", 	unique = false, 	useable = false, 	shouldClose = false,   combinable = nil,   expire = 90,  description = "Chemicals, handle with care!"},
    liquidmix 		 	 	     = {name = "liquidmix",           		    label = "Liquid Chem Mix",	 		weight = 1500, 		type = "item", 		image = "liquidmix.png", 		    unique = false, 	useable = false, 	shouldClose = false,   combinable = nil,   expire = 90,  description = "Chemicals, handle with care!"},
    bakingsoda 		 	 	     = {name = "bakingsoda",           		    label = "Baking Soda",	 		    weight = 1500, 		type = "item", 		image = "bakingsoda.png", 		    unique = false, 	useable = false, 	shouldClose = false,   combinable = nil,   expire = 90,  description = "Household Baking Soda!"},
    chemicalvapor 		 	     = {name = "chemicalvapor",           	    label = "Chemical Vapors",	 		weight = 1500, 		type = "item", 		image = "chemicalvapor.png", 	    unique = false, 	useable = false, 	shouldClose = false,   combinable = nil,   expire = 90,  description = "High Pressure Chemical Vapors, Explosive!"},
    trimming_scissors 		 	 = {name = "trimming_scissors",           	label = "Trimming Scissors",	 	weight = 1500, 		type = "item", 		image = "trimming_scissors.png", 	unique = false, 	useable = false, 	shouldClose = false,   combinable = nil,   expire = 90,  description = "Very Sharp Trimming Scissors"},
    methtray 					 = {name = 'methtray', 						label = 'Meth Tray', 				weight = 200, 		type = 'item', 		image = 'meth_tray.png', 			unique = false, 	useable = false, 	shouldClose = false,   combinable = nil,   description = 'make some meth'},
    methkey 					 = {name = 'methkey', 						label = 'Key A', 				    weight = 200, 		type = 'item', 		image = 'keya.png', 			    unique = false, 	useable = false, 	shouldClose = false,   combinable = nil,   description = 'Random Key, with "Walter" Engraved on the Back...'},
    cocainekey 					 = {name = 'cocainekey', 					label = 'Key B', 				    weight = 200, 		type = 'item', 		image = 'keyb.png', 			    unique = false, 	useable = false, 	shouldClose = false,   combinable = nil,   description = 'Random Key, with a "Razorblade" Engraved on the Back...'},
    weedkey 					 = {name = 'weedkey', 						label = 'Key C', 				    weight = 200, 		type = 'item', 		image = 'keyc.png', 			    unique = false, 	useable = false, 	shouldClose = false,   combinable = nil,   description = 'Random Key, with a "Seed" Engraved on the Back...'},
    finescale 					 = {name = 'finescale', 					label = 'Fine Scale', 			    weight = 200, 		type = 'item', 		image = 'finescale.png', 			unique = false, 	useable = false, 	shouldClose = false,   combinable = nil,   description = 'Scale Used for Fine Powders and Materials.'},
    coke_small_brick 		 	 = {name = 'coke_small_brick', 				label = 'Coke Package', 			weight = 350, 		type = 'item', 		image = 'coke_small_brick.png', 	unique = false, 	useable = false, 	shouldClose = true,	   combinable = nil,   description = 'Small package of cocaine, mostly used for deals and takes a lot of space'},


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