- 经验值和练级系统
- 粮食系统
- 口渴系统
- 卫生系统(治愈和恢复)
- 自动命名(首次使用时)和重命名
- 宠物变化
- 控制宠物的行为
- 宠物店
- 宠物动画
- 打开带有“O”的菜单
- 菜单键绑定可以在设置和 Fivem 键绑定中自定义
- 安装可能看起来比应有的要长一些,但它只是很多文字
— 在 qb-core\shared\items.lua 的末尾添加此代码
-- ================ Keep-companion ================
["keepcompanionhusky"] = {
["name"] = "keepcompanionhusky",
["label"] = "Husky",
["weight"] = 500,
["type"] = "item",
["image"] = "A_C_Husky.png",
["unique"] = true,
["useable"] = true,
["shouldClose"] = true,
["combinable"] = nil,
["description"] = "Husky is your royal companion!"
["keepcompanionpoodle"] = {
["name"] = "keepcompanionpoodle",
["label"] = "Poodle",
["weight"] = 500,
["type"] = "item",
["image"] = "A_C_Poodle.png",
["unique"] = true,
["useable"] = true,
["shouldClose"] = true,
["combinable"] = nil,
["description"] = "Poodle is your royal companion!"
["keepcompanionrottweiler"] = {
["name"] = "keepcompanionrottweiler",
["label"] = "Rottweiler",
["weight"] = 500,
["type"] = "item",
["image"] = "A_Rottweiler.png",
["unique"] = true,
["useable"] = true,
["shouldClose"] = true,
["combinable"] = nil,
["description"] = "Rottweiler is your royal companion!"
["keepcompanionwesty"] = {
["name"] = "keepcompanionwesty",
["label"] = "Westy",
["weight"] = 500,
["type"] = "item",
["image"] = "A_C_Westy.png",
["unique"] = true,
["useable"] = true,
["shouldClose"] = true,
["combinable"] = nil,
["description"] = "Westy is your royal companion!"
["keepcompanionmtlion"] = {
["name"] = "keepcompanionmtlion",
["label"] = "MtLion",
["weight"] = 500,
["type"] = "item",
["image"] = "A_C_MtLion.png",
["unique"] = true,
["useable"] = true,
["shouldClose"] = true,
["combinable"] = nil,
["description"] = "MtLion is your royal companion!"
["keepcompanionmtlion2"] = {
["name"] = "keepcompanionmtlion2",
["label"] = "Panter",
["weight"] = 500,
["type"] = "item",
["image"] = "A_C_MtLion.png",
["unique"] = true,
["useable"] = true,
["shouldClose"] = true,
["combinable"] = nil,
["description"] = "Panter is your royal companion!"
["keepcompanioncat"] = {
["name"] = "keepcompanioncat",
["label"] = "Cat",
["weight"] = 500,
["type"] = "item",
["image"] = "A_C_Cat_01.png",
["unique"] = true,
["useable"] = true,
["shouldClose"] = true,
["combinable"] = nil,
["description"] = "Cat is your royal companion!"
["keepcompanionpug"] = {
["name"] = "keepcompanionpug",
["label"] = "Pug",
["weight"] = 500,
["type"] = "item",
["image"] = "A_C_Pug.png",
["unique"] = true,
["useable"] = true,
["shouldClose"] = true,
["combinable"] = nil,
["description"] = "Pug is your royal companion!"
["keepcompanionretriever"] = {
["name"] = "keepcompanionretriever",
["label"] = "Retriever",
["weight"] = 500,
["type"] = "item",
["image"] = "A_C_Retriever.png",
["unique"] = true,
["useable"] = true,
["shouldClose"] = true,
["combinable"] = nil,
["description"] = "Retriever is your royal companion!"
["keepcompanionshepherd"] = {
["name"] = "keepcompanionshepherd",
["label"] = "Shepherd",
["weight"] = 500,
["type"] = "item",
["image"] = "A_C_shepherd.png",
["unique"] = true,
["useable"] = true,
["shouldClose"] = true,
["combinable"] = nil,
["description"] = "Shepherd is your royal companion!"
-- new pets
["keepcompanioncoyote"] = {
["name"] = "keepcompanioncoyote",
["label"] = "Coyote",
["weight"] = 500,
["type"] = "item",
["image"] = "A_C_Coyote.png",
["unique"] = true,
["useable"] = true,
["shouldClose"] = true,
["combinable"] = nil,
["description"] = "Coyote is your royal companion!"
["keepcompanionrabbit"] = {
["name"] = "keepcompanionrabbit",
["label"] = "Rabbit",
["weight"] = 500,
["type"] = "item",
["image"] = "A_C_Rabbit_01.png",
["unique"] = true,
["useable"] = true,
["shouldClose"] = true,
["combinable"] = nil,
["description"] = "Rabbit is your royal companion!"
["keepcompanionhen"] = {
["name"] = "keepcompanionhen",
["label"] = "Hen",
["weight"] = 500,
["type"] = "item",
["image"] = "A_C_Hen.png",
["unique"] = true,
["useable"] = true,
["shouldClose"] = true,
["combinable"] = nil,
["description"] = "Hen is your royal companion!"
["keepcompanionrat"] = {
["name"] = "keepcompanionrat",
["label"] = "Rat",
["weight"] = 500,
["type"] = "item",
["image"] = "A_C_Rat.png",
["unique"] = true,
["useable"] = true,
["shouldClose"] = true,
["combinable"] = nil,
["description"] = "Your royal companion!"
["petfood"] = {
["name"] = "petfood",
["label"] = "pet food",
["weight"] = 500,
["type"] = "item",
["image"] = "petfood.png",
["unique"] = false,
["useable"] = true,
["shouldClose"] = true,
["combinable"] = nil,
["description"] = "food for your companion!"
["collarpet"] = {
["name"] = "collarpet",
["label"] = "Pet collar",
["weight"] = 500,
["type"] = "item",
["image"] = "collarpet.png",
["unique"] = false,
["useable"] = true,
["shouldClose"] = true,
["combinable"] = true,
["description"] = "Rename your pets!"
["firstaidforpet"] = {
["name"] = "firstaidforpet",
["label"] = "First aid for pet",
["weight"] = 500,
["type"] = "item",
["image"] = "firstaidforpet.png",
["unique"] = false,
["useable"] = true,
["shouldClose"] = true,
["combinable"] = nil,
["description"] = "Revive your pet!"
["petnametag"] = {
["name"] = "petnametag",
["label"] = "Name tag",
["weight"] = 500,
["type"] = "item",
["image"] = "petnametag.png",
["unique"] = false,
["useable"] = true,
["shouldClose"] = true,
["combinable"] = nil,
["description"] = "Rename your pet"
["petwaterbottleportable"] = {
["name"] = "petwaterbottleportable",
["label"] = "Portable water bottle",
["weight"] = 1000,
["type"] = "item",
["image"] = "petwaterbottleportable.png",
["unique"] = true,
["useable"] = true,
["shouldClose"] = true,
["combinable"] = nil,
["description"] = "Flask to store water for your pets"
["petgroomingkit"] = {
["name"] = "petgroomingkit",
["label"] = "Pet Grooming Kit",
["weight"] = 1000,
["type"] = "item",
["image"] = "petgroomingkit.png",
["unique"] = true,
["useable"] = true,
["shouldClose"] = true,
["combinable"] = nil,
["description"] = "Pet Grooming Kit"
- 这是表 qb-shops/config.lua
-- add it at end of Config.Products table
["petshop"] = {
[1] = {
name = 'keepcompanionwesty',
price = 50000,
amount = 5,
info = {},
type = 'item',
slot = 1
[2] = {
name = 'keepcompanionshepherd',
price = 150000,
amount = 5,
info = {},
type = 'item',
slot = 2
[3] = {
name = 'keepcompanionretriever',
price = 50000,
amount = 5,
info = {},
type = 'item',
slot = 3
[4] = {
name = 'keepcompanionrottweiler',
price = 75000,
amount = 5,
info = {},
type = 'item',
slot = 4
[5] = {
name = 'keepcompanionpug',
price = 95000,
amount = 5,
info = {},
type = 'item',
slot = 5
[6] = {
name = 'keepcompanionpoodle',
price = 50000,
amount = 5,
info = {},
type = 'item',
slot = 6
[7] = {
name = 'keepcompanionmtlion2',
price = 50000,
amount = 5,
info = {},
type = 'item',
slot = 7
[8] = {
name = 'keepcompanioncat',
price = 50000,
amount = 5,
info = {},
type = 'item',
slot = 8
[9] = {
name = 'keepcompanionmtlion',
price = 50000,
amount = 5,
info = {},
type = 'item',
slot = 9
[10] = {
name = 'keepcompanionhusky',
price = 50000,
amount = 5,
info = {},
type = 'item',
slot = 10
[11] = {
name = 'petfood',
price = 500,
amount = 1000,
info = {},
type = 'item',
slot = 11
[12] = {
name = 'collarpet',
price = 50000,
amount = 50,
info = {},
type = 'item',
slot = 12
[13] = {
name = 'firstaidforpet',
price = 5000,
amount = 50,
info = {},
type = 'item',
slot = 13
[14] = {
name = 'petnametag',
price = 5000,
amount = 50,
info = {},
type = 'item',
slot = 14
[15] = {
name = 'petwaterbottleportable',
price = 5000,
amount = 50,
info = {},
type = 'item',
slot = 15
[16] = {
name = 'petgroomingkit',
price = 5000,
amount = 50,
info = {},
type = 'item',
slot = 16
[17] = {
name = 'keepcompanionrabbit',
price = 15000,
amount = 50,
info = {},
type = 'item',
slot = 17
[18] = {
name = 'keepcompanionhen',
price = 5000,
amount = 50,
info = {},
type = 'item',
slot = 18
[19] = {
name = 'keepcompanioncoyote',
price = 50000,
amount = 50,
info = {},
type = 'item',
slot = 19
-- add it at end of Config.Locations table
["petshop"] = {
["label"] = "Pet Shop",
["coords"] = vector4(561.18, 2741.51, 42.87, 199.08), --or vector4(-659.87, -936.46, 21.83, 130.04), -- for mlo https://www.gta5-mods.com/maps/
["ped"] = 'S_M_M_StrVend_01',
["scenario"] = "WORLD_HUMAN_COP_IDLES",
["radius"] = 1.5,
["targetIcon"] = "fas fa-paw",
["targetLabel"] = "Open Pet Shop",
["products"] = Config.Products["petshop"],
["showblip"] = true,
["blipsprite"] = 267,
["blipcolor"] = 5
- 我正在使用 lj-inventory 只需找到工具提示代码的位置!
- 在 inventory\js\app.js 中找到 FormatItemInfo() 有 if 语句,如下所示: if (itemData.name == “id_card”)
- 跟踪所有 elseif 语句的结束位置,然后在下面添加 else if
else if (
itemData.name == "keepcompanionhusky" ||
itemData.name == "keepcompanionrottweiler" ||
itemData.name == "keepcompanionmtlion" ||
itemData.name == "keepcompanionmtlion2" ||
itemData.name == "keepcompanioncat" ||
itemData.name == "keepcompanionpoodle" ||
itemData.name == "keepcompanionpug" ||
itemData.name == "keepcompanionretriever" ||
itemData.name == "keepcompanionshepherd" ||
itemData.name == "keepcompanionwesty" ||
itemData.name == "keepcompanioncoyote" ||
itemData.name == "keepcompanionrabbit" ||
itemData.name == "keepcompanionhen"
) {
let gender = itemData.info.gender;
gender ? (gender = "male") : (gender = "female");
$(".item-info-title").html("<p>" + itemData.info.name + "</p>");
"<p><strong>Owner Phone: </strong><span>" +
itemData.info.owner.phone +
"</span></p><p><strong>Variation: </strong><span>" +
`${itemData.info.variation}` +
"</span></p><p><strong>Gender: </strong><span>" +
`${gender}` +
"</span></p><p><strong>Health: </strong><span>" +
itemData.info.health +
"</span></p><p><strong>Xp/Max: </strong><span>" +
`${itemData.info.XP} / ${maxExp(itemData.info.level)}` +
"</span></p><p><strong>Level: </strong><span>" +
itemData.info.level +
"</span></p><p><strong>Age: </strong><span>" +
callAge(itemData.info.age) +
"</span></p><p><strong>Food: </strong><span>" +
itemData.info.food +
"</span></p>" +
"</span></p><p><strong>Thirst: </strong><span>" +
itemData.info.thirst +
else if (itemData.name == "petwaterbottleportable") {
$(".item-info-title").html("<p>" + itemData.label + "</p>");
$(".item-info-description").html("<p>capacity(L): " + itemData.info.liter + "</p>");
- 并在 inventory\js\ 的末尾添加此代码app.js
function callAge(age) {
let max = 0;
let min = 0;
if (age === 0) {
return 0;
for (let index = 1; index < 10; index++) {
max = 60 * 60 * 24 * index;
min = 60 * 60 * 24 * (index - 1);
if (age >= min && age <= max) {
return index - 1;
function maxExp(level) {
let xp = Math.floor(
(1 / 4) * Math.floor((level + 300) * Math.pow(2, level / 7))
return xp;
function currentLvlExp(xp) {
let maxExp = 0;
let minExp = 0;
for (let index = 0; index <= 50; index++) {
maxExp = Math.floor(Math.floor((i + 300) * (2 ^ (i / 7))) / 4);
minExp = Math.floor(Math.floor((i - 1 + 300) * (2 ^ ((i - 1) / 7))) / 4);
if (xp >= minExp && xp <= maxExp) {
return i;
- K9 工作的重要步骤
- 首先打开背包脚本 qb-inventory/server/main.lua
- 查找此事件
然后转到脚本 confing 文件查找Config.inventory_name并将其更改为您的库存名称
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