FiveM挖矿插件 吉姆采矿

FiveM挖矿插件 吉姆采矿

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FiveM挖矿插件 吉姆采矿

FiveM 自定义 QBCORE 我从头开始的挖矿脚本

  • 通过 config.lua 高度可定制

    • 位置易于更改/移动
  • 具有多种获取材料的方法

    • 淘金 – 在指定的流中搜索黄金和白银或垃圾
    • 采矿 – 开采可以清洗或开裂的石头作为材料
    • 洗石 – 洗石以寻找稀有宝石或黄金
    • 石头裂开 – 打开石头以找到用于制作材料的矿石
  • 采矿、石材裂解和淘金的可定制点

    • 将矿石的位置添加到配置中,它将把这个位置用于 qb-target 和 prop
    • 可以将它们放置在任何地方,而不必只是一个采矿地点
    • 我选择了钻孔动画,而不是挥舞镐
    • 精美的动画效果,更好的沉浸感
  • NPC在闪光点上生成

    • 这些位置也可以提供第三只眼,并且选择的位置具有卖点的上下文菜单
  • NPC 和矿石在矿井 + 采石场生成,因此您的玩家可以前往任一

  • 具有简单的内置制作功能,使用 config.lua 中的配方

  • 以宝石切割长凳为特色,试图增加的不仅仅是金条等出售

    • 您可以使用金条和珠宝制作其他物品以出售给珠宝买家



图片[1]-FiveM挖矿插件 吉姆采矿 – FiveM插件网-FiveM插件网

  • 应该易于理解并添加/删除您想要或不需要的项目


  • qb-menu – 用于菜单
  • qb-target – 用于交互




  • 放在您的资源文件夹中
  • 将以下代码添加到下面的 server.cfg/resources.cfg[qb]


  • 将图片添加到您的库存文件夹

  • 将这些行放在您的 items.lua 中

-- jim-mining stuff
["stone"] 		 	 			 = {["name"] = "stone",           				["label"] = "Stone",	 				["weight"] = 2000, 	    ["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "stone.png", 				["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = false, 	["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "Stone woo"},

["uncut_emerald"] 				 = {["name"] = "uncut_emerald", 			  	["label"] = "Uncut Emerald", 			["weight"] = 100, 		["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "uncut_emerald.png", 		["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = false, 	["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "A rough Emerald"},
["uncut_ruby"] 					 = {["name"] = "uncut_ruby", 			  	  	["label"] = "Uncut Ruby", 				["weight"] = 100, 		["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "uncut_ruby.png", 			["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = false, 	["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "A rough Ruby"},
["uncut_diamond"] 				 = {["name"] = "uncut_diamond", 			  	["label"] = "Uncut Diamond", 			["weight"] = 100, 		["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "uncut_diamond.png", 		["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = false, 	["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "A rough Diamond"},
["uncut_sapphire"] 				 = {["name"] = "uncut_sapphire", 			  	["label"] = "Uncut Sapphire", 			["weight"] = 100, 		["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "uncut_sapphire.png", 		["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = false, 	["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "A rough Sapphire"},

["emerald"] 					 = {["name"] = "emerald", 			  	  		["label"] = "Emerald", 					["weight"] = 100, 		["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "emerald.png", 				["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = false, 	["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "A Emerald that shimmers"},
["ruby"] 						 = {["name"] = "ruby", 			  	  			["label"] = "Ruby", 					["weight"] = 100, 		["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "ruby.png", 				["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = false, 	["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "A Ruby that shimmers"},
["diamond"] 					 = {["name"] = "diamond", 			  	  		["label"] = "Diamond", 					["weight"] = 100, 		["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "diamond.png", 				["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = false, 	["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "A Diamond that shimmers"},
["sapphire"] 					 = {["name"] = "sapphire", 			  	  		["label"] = "Sapphire",					["weight"] = 100, 		["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "sapphire.png", 			["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = false, 	["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "A Sapphire that shimmers"},

["gold_ring"] 					 = {["name"] = "gold_ring", 			  	  	["label"] = "Gold Ring", 				["weight"] = 200, 		["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "gold_ring.png", 			["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = false, 	["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = ""},
["diamond_ring"] 				 = {["name"] = "diamond_ring", 			  	  	["label"] = "Diamond Ring", 			["weight"] = 200, 		["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "diamond_ring.png", 		["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = false, 	["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = ""},
["ruby_ring"] 					 = {["name"] = "ruby_ring", 			  	  	["label"] = "Ruby Ring", 				["weight"] = 200, 		["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "ruby_ring.png", 			["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = false, 	["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = ""},
["sapphire_ring"] 				 = {["name"] = "sapphire_ring", 			  	["label"] = "Sapphire Ring", 			["weight"] = 200, 		["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "sapphire_ring.png", 		["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = false, 	["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = ""},
["emerald_ring"] 				 = {["name"] = "emerald_ring", 			  	  	["label"] = "Emerald Ring", 			["weight"] = 200, 		["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "emerald_ring.png", 		["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = false, 	["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = ""},

["silver_ring"] 				 = {["name"] = "silver_ring", 			  		["label"] = "Silver Ring", 				["weight"] = 200, 		["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "silver_ring.png", 			["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = false, 	["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = ""},
["diamond_ring_silver"] 		 = {["name"] = "diamond_ring_silver", 		  	["label"] = "Diamond Ring Silver", 		["weight"] = 200, 		["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "diamond_ring_silver.png", 	["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = false, 	["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = ""},
["ruby_ring_silver"] 			 = {["name"] = "ruby_ring_silver", 			  	["label"] = "Ruby Ring Silver", 		["weight"] = 200, 		["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "ruby_ring_silver.png", 	["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = false, 	["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = ""},
["sapphire_ring_silver"] 		 = {["name"] = "sapphire_ring_silver", 		 	["label"] = "Sapphire Ring Silver", 	["weight"] = 200, 		["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "sapphire_ring_silver.png", ["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = false, 	["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = ""},
["emerald_ring_silver"] 		 = {["name"] = "emerald_ring_silver", 		  	["label"] = "Emerald Ring Silver", 		["weight"] = 200, 		["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "emerald_ring_silver.png", 	["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = false, 	["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = ""},

["goldchain"] 				 	 = {["name"] = "goldchain", 			  	  	["label"] = "Golden Chain", 			["weight"] = 200, 		["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "goldchain.png", 			["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = false, 	["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = ""},
["diamond_necklace"] 			 = {["name"] = "diamond_necklace", 			  	["label"] = "Diamond Necklace", 		["weight"] = 200, 		["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "diamond_necklace.png", 	["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = false, 	["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = ""},
["ruby_necklace"] 				 = {["name"] = "ruby_necklace", 			  	["label"] = "Ruby Necklace", 			["weight"] = 200, 		["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "ruby_necklace.png", 		["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = false, 	["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = ""},
["sapphire_necklace"] 			 = {["name"] = "sapphire_necklace", 			["label"] = "Sapphire Necklace", 		["weight"] = 200, 		["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "sapphire_necklace.png", 	["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = false, 	["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = ""},
["emerald_necklace"] 			 = {["name"] = "emerald_necklace", 			  	["label"] = "Emerald Necklace", 		["weight"] = 200, 		["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "emerald_necklace.png", 	["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = false, 	["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = ""},

["silverchain"] 				 = {["name"] = "silverchain", 			  	 	["label"] = "Silver Chain", 			["weight"] = 200, 		["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "silverchain.png", 			["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = false, 	["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = ""},
["diamond_necklace_silver"] 	 = {["name"] = "diamond_necklace_silver", 		["label"] = "Diamond Necklace Silver", 	["weight"] = 200, 		["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "diamond_necklace_silver.png", 	["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = false, 	["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = ""},
["ruby_necklace_silver"] 		 = {["name"] = "ruby_necklace_silver", 			["label"] = "Ruby Necklace Silver", 	["weight"] = 200, 		["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "ruby_necklace_silver.png", 		["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = false, 	["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = ""},
["sapphire_necklace_silver"] 	 = {["name"] = "sapphire_necklace_silver", 		["label"] = "Sapphire Necklace Silver", ["weight"] = 200, 		["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "sapphire_necklace_silver.png", 	["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = false, 	["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = ""},
["emerald_necklace_silver"] 	 = {["name"] = "emerald_necklace_silver", 		["label"] = "Emerald Necklace Silver", 	["weight"] = 200, 		["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "emerald_necklace_silver.png", 	["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = false, 	["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = ""},

["goldearring"] 				 = {["name"] = "goldearring", 				  	["label"] = "Golden Earrings", 			["weight"] = 200, 		["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "gold_earring.png", 		["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = false, 	["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = ""},
["diamond_earring"] 			 = {["name"] = "diamond_earring", 			  	["label"] = "Diamond Earrings", 		["weight"] = 200, 		["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "diamond_earring.png", 		["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = false, 	["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = ""},
["ruby_earring"] 				 = {["name"] = "ruby_earring", 			  		["label"] = "Ruby Earrings", 			["weight"] = 200, 		["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "ruby_earring.png", 		["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = false, 	["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = ""},
["sapphire_earring"] 			 = {["name"] = "sapphire_earring", 				["label"] = "Sapphire Earrings", 		["weight"] = 200, 		["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "sapphire_earring.png", 	["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = false, 	["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = ""},
["emerald_earring"] 			 = {["name"] = "emerald_earring", 			  	["label"] = "Emerald Earrings", 		["weight"] = 200, 		["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "emerald_earring.png", 		["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = false, 	["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = ""},

["silverearring"] 				 = {["name"] = "silverearring", 				["label"] = "Silver Earrings", 			["weight"] = 200, 		["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "silver_earring.png", 		["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = false, 	["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = ""},
["diamond_earring_silver"] 		 = {["name"] = "diamond_earring_silver", 		["label"] = "Diamond Earrings Silver", 	["weight"] = 200, 		["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "diamond_earring_silver.png", 		["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = false, 	["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = ""},
["ruby_earring_silver"] 		 = {["name"] = "ruby_earring_silver", 			["label"] = "Ruby Earrings Silver", 	["weight"] = 200, 		["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "ruby_earring_silver.png", 		["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = false, 	["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = ""},
["sapphire_earring_silver"] 	 = {["name"] = "sapphire_earring_silver", 		["label"] = "Sapphire Earrings Silver", ["weight"] = 200, 		["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "sapphire_earring_silver.png", 	["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = false, 	["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = ""},
["emerald_earring_silver"] 		 = {["name"] = "emerald_earring_silver", 		["label"] = "Emerald Earrings Silver", 	["weight"] = 200, 		["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "emerald_earring_silver.png", 		["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = false, 	["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = ""},

["carbon"] 					 	 = {["name"] = "carbon", 			  	  		["label"] = "Carbon", 					["weight"] = 1000, 		["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "carbon.png", 				["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = false, 	["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "Carbon, a base ore."},
["ironore"] 					 = {["name"] = "ironore", 			  	  		["label"] = "Iron Ore", 				["weight"] = 1000, 		["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "ironore.png", 				["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = false, 	["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "Iron, a base ore."},
["copperore"] 					 = {["name"] = "copperore", 			  	  	["label"] = "Copper Ore", 				["weight"] = 1000, 		["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "copperore.png", 			["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = false, 	["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "Copper, a base ore."},
["goldore"] 					 = {["name"] = "goldore", 			  	  		["label"] = "Gold Ore", 				["weight"] = 1000, 		["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "goldore.png", 				["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = false, 	["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "Gold Ore"},
["silverore"] 					 = {["name"] = "silverore", 			  	  	["label"] = "Silver Ore", 				["weight"] = 1000, 		["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "silverore.png", 			["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = false, 	["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "Silver Ore"},

["goldingot"] 					 = {["name"] = "goldingot", 			  	  	["label"] = "Gold Ingot", 				["weight"] = 1000, 		["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "goldingot.png", 			["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = false, 	["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = ""},
["silveringot"] 				 = {["name"] = "silveringot", 			  	  	["label"] = "Silver Ingot", 			["weight"] = 1000, 		["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "silveringot.png", 			["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = false, 	["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = ""},

["pickaxe"] 					 = {["name"] = "pickaxe", 			  	  		["label"] = "Pickaxe", 					["weight"] = 1000, 		["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "pickaxe.png", 				["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = false, 	["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "" },
["miningdrill"] 				 = {["name"] = "miningdrill", 			  	  	["label"] = "Mining Drill", 			["weight"] = 1000, 		["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "miningdrill.png", 			["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = false, 	["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "" },
["mininglaser"] 				 = {["name"] = "mininglaser", 			  	  	["label"] = "Mining Laser", 			["weight"] = 900, 		["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "mininglaser.png", 			["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = false, 	["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "" },
["drillbit"] 					 = {["name"] = "drillbit", 			  	  		["label"] = "Drill Bit", 				["weight"] = 10, 		["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "drillbit.png", 			["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = false, 	["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "" },

["goldpan"] 					 = {["name"] = "goldpan", 			  	  		["label"] = "Gold Panning Tray", 		["weight"] = 10, 		["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "goldpan.png", 				["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = false, 	["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "" },

["bottle"] 						 = {["name"] = "bottle", 			  	  		["label"] = "Empty Bottle", 			["weight"] = 10, 		["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "bottle.png", 				["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = false, 	["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "A glass bottle"},
["can"] 						 = {["name"] = "can", 			  	  			["label"] = "Empty Can", 				["weight"] = 10, 		["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "can.png", 					["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = false, 	["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "An empty can, good for recycling"},


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    • 头像阿林0
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